Tub - a hot tub is a great rest at any time of the year for the whole family and in the circle of friends. The body gradually heats up, daily worries recede and peace like a large sheet takes over you and your entire surroundings. So sitting in the hot water, feeling the lightness of your body and breathing spiky, fresh air you have completely freed yourself from everyday worries and thoughts can rise in the wings.
In ancient times, the tub originated for hygienic purposes, and was the first to start it in Japan.
C animals should not be killed, which means that the Japanese could not make soap, had to wash with hot water, so it was invented to use not only water, but also hot sawdust to steam the body.
Traditionally, the Japanese visited the Ofuro bull 2 to 3 times a week. Ofuro is a kind of hot water bath. Since there is not much space in Japan, the barrels were designed for several people at once. Inside the Ofuro there are several seats. Water is heated by live fire, which is located under the font. The temperature is always maintained around 50 ° C. Bathers perform the procedure while lying down for no more than 5 minutes. After that, a relaxing massage with hard mittens was performed and the body was immersed in sawdust.
Times have changed, and Japanese Ofuro has not become so relevant. Modern Japanese baths are called Sento. They visit Sento once a week, on weekends, for aesthetic pleasure. Inside, Sento is more like a resting place with exotic fountains, waterfalls and colorful stones. The modern sauna consists of a small pool lined with mosaics or natural stone. The water in the pool is 50-60 ° С. The pool can accommodate from 4 to 10 people. For the Japanese, hygiene is important, so the water is changed after each procedure.
Sento is a source of health for any resident of Japan. Medical scientists claim that according to a number of studies, regular visits to Sento and Ofuro are able to relieve rheumatism, cardiovascular diseases, normalize blood pressure and stimulate the kidneys. After carrying out the procedures in the bath, the body's resistance to respiratory diseases doubles.
The history of the creation of the Ofuro bathhouse is associated with the large amount of thermal waters in Japan. In combination with heated sawdust, the bathtub makes the steam room unique for relaxation and warming the body. Filling the barrel with a mixture of cedar sawdust and rice bran diluted with 60 types of medicinal herbs is considered the most effective.
Two types of sauna tubs are distinguished:
- furako - barrel with heated water;
- Ofuro - a bath with warm sawdust / pebbles. In some regions, the listed containers have inverted names, i.e. the bathtub is called furako, and the barrel is called ofuro.
Speaking about the benefits of traditional Japanese bath procedures, if they are regular and, above all, correct, the following beneficial effects are noted:
- normalization of heart and kidney function;
- increasing resistance to stressful situations, various colds;
- help in the fight against excess weight;
- rejuvenation and general improvement of the state of the body;
- cleanses and normalizes skin tone.
You should refrain from visiting the bathhouse:
- babies under the age of three years;
- a woman pregnant;
- patients suffering from cardiovascular diseases, tuberculosis, all sorts of infectious diseases and colds.